-Your uterus is the bit where a baby grows.
-Your bowel absorbs nutrients then pushes the waste to the rectum.
-Your rectum stores the waste until you’re ready for a poo.
-Your spine supports your body and looks after your spinal cord.
-Your tail bone is what's left of the tail you had before you were born!
-Your anus is the opening where your poo comes out.
-Your pelvic floor muscles control your bladder and bowel and help keep all the important stuff, like your vagina and uterus, where they should be.
-Your vagina is the tube through which a baby or your period comes out of your body.
-Your urethra is the tube through which urine leaves your body.
-Your diaphragm is a sheet of muscle at the bottom of your lungs that makes you breathe.
-Your transverse abdominus is a sheet of muscle underneath the six pack muscle.
-Your multifidus are muscles that lie close to your back bone.