Bladder leakage or urinary incontinence (UI) – literally peeing when you don’t want to, is the most common pelvic floor issue affecting women across their lifespan and its prevalence increases with age. Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is predominant in young women. This is when there is extra pressure on the bladder and your pelvic floor muscles can’t deal with that extra pressure, so things can get a little damp. It is known that urinary incontinence in young people is both under-diagnosed and under-reported. Some of us may not address the problem or seek specialist help due to embarrassment and not even knowing it’s a legit issue! Well, no more!
Sports stars and bladder leakage
A former elite athlete and corporate lawyer, Kimberley Smith was used to functioning at her peak. Kimberley was an elite athlete from the age of 18, attending the Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra straight out of high school. She played netball at the elite level for over 10 years, representing the NSW Swifts and was a member of the Australia Diamonds Squad. Here’s her story that introduces the real experience that can happen with sports stars and bladder leakage.