Taking care of our mental health shouldn’t be another task to add to our to-do list! In fact, a great start is regular check-ins with ourselves to make sure we’re doing these seven things.
Stress and Mind-Body Love
It’s good to zero right on in our mind health and overall mental well-being a little bit every day. As much as we are told to look after our physical or body health it’s the same call for looking after our minds. Reaffirming that our mental health does really matter involves making a choice to care for our minds daily for better living overall. In this article we take a deep dive into our mind health and the strong response we can have in our bodies as a result to build awareness about the things we can do to help ourselves with stress and mind body love. Check it out
Harassment and abuse and the effects on our health
It’s another significant week this week campaigning for stopping violence against women! Calling out any bias, discrimination, violence, harassment and abuse and the effects on our health can be significant. It’s important to get an awareness and grasp how these can affect us or others we know and look to ways of always moving ahead and forward in every aspect of our lives……and that includes our pelvic floor and sexual health.