Downstairs diary is where we talk about things down below the belt. Talking about the stuff that is a little private but still needs to be spoken about because we all would like to know what’s good and maybe what is not so good. For this installment we would like to tell you that if you don’t already know – your vagina is clean and beautiful! Our beautiful lady bits have an amazing in-built system of taking care of themselves. It’s an all in vagina symphony cheer right there!
Your Vagina is not dirty!
There have been some messages sprouted recently by insta celebrities including some famous that want our vaginas smelling like peaches, flowers and even coffee. The fact is vaginas smell like vaginas. Natural vagina odour is normal. Do you know that we all have our own unique smell down there too? It can also change during our menstrual cycle and even after exercise and sex temporarily. If anyone tells you that you smell strange ask yourself if you need a medical check-up or whether they need a lesson on what a real woman smells like.
Discharge is also normal and plays an important role in keeping our vaginas smiling, coated and lubricated for a healthy vibe. Like our own unique smell, discharge changes throughout the month are also part of a good healthy vagina game. If you experience significant changes in volume, colour and smell then it’s good to visit a health professional.
Vagina Douches? What are they? What the…..
Douches are a mixture of water and other ingredients placed in a container and squirted or sprayed up inside the vagina. Then everything is meant to drain out the vagina. A sparkly clean and scrub maybe? Not. Why are they done? Apparently to take away smells, washing away blood after your period or sperm after sex, even to prevent a pregnancy and to prevent STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)! Well despite all these efforts, douching doesn’t achieve any of these things. It’s sad to say they will cause more harm than good ladies. Douches were invented to solve a problem that doesn’t exist in order to make money.
Your vagina like a natural self-cleaning oven?
Your vagina is naturally designed to keep a healthy pH balance girls. It’s filled with lots of friendly bacteria that help prevent things irritating it and stopping nasty infections from brewing. It’s like a natural self-cleaning oven! Your vagina has its own ecosystem – referred to as a vaginal microbiome. Anything that interferes with this naturally designed balance reduces its healthy bacteria friends causing more problems than it’s worth.
All the latest from the insta celebrity vagina prep routine products and other vaginal cleaning fads including highlighters, cucumber scrubs, cleaning oils, scented panty liners and other ‘douching’ products are not a good idea. You’re not caring for your vagina, you’re actually causing damage. Cream on and up in our lady bits to supposedly strengthen your vaginal lining has no evidence as such. Strengthening your muscles down there will have more of an overall effect than any fancy smancy cream. Check out how to condition your Pelvic floor Muscles.
Your vagina shouldn’t be dry if you’re young and not breast feeding. If it is dry see a health professional to find out what is going on and what you can use. Celebrity oils, Jade eggs and steaming suggestions have been given a no go zone by respected ladies in the doc and health pro fraternity. It’s a good call to listen to these health pros because they know the vagina love game much better than many of these celebs at the moment. So the rule of thumb is – if your vagina is fine then leave it alone!
Down below hygiene matters
By all means, in the shower, bath or by the basin, wash away any sweat that has built up around your groin and vulva from the day, but leave your delicate insides alone to clean themselves. Wash yourself with warm water. Avoid soaps that are going to irritate sensitive skin. Using a mild soap not heavily scented is ok if you want to use it. Avoid getting soap in your vagina and don’t scrub harshly. Rinse the area until all the soap is gone then, with a clean towel, pat dry.
It’s wise to have good toilet hygiene and good hygiene as above in general. Washing your hands after wiping yourself and washing your hands regularly after general daily activities is a good call. Take a look at our article on Sex and Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) here.
There are some deodorising products like sprays and powders that are used to mask vaginal smells. If you use them do so only ever on the outside of the vagina and never inside. Wear breathable underwear that will help your vagina and groin area actually breathe better and reduce sweat and odour build-up.
If you’re leaking urine unusually when you cough, sneeze or exercise, and worried about odours in this way, it’s a reminder that this is not something you should put up with!
When to see a Health Pro?
It’s important to take note that if you experience significant changes that are out of the ordinary for you then it’s important to get a Doc to check you out! If you have questions or just want more information get in touch.
You can even take the plunge and make a call to the National Continence Helpline.Our supportive and experienced Health Professionals know heaps about the essentials of good hygiene below and can advise or direct you onto further help near to where you live if you need it!
Just remember girls – Your vagina has a brilliant ecosystem that is clean and beautiful. Vaginas know how to take care of themselves! #GATF