Have you ever had pain during or after sex? Do you accidently fart and feel like you can’t control it or hold it in? Do you leak when you cough, laugh or exercise and not told anyone thinking it will go away? If you can answer yes to any of these questions, there are signs of possible Pelvic Floor problems or dysfunctions that you might need help with!
5 things celebrities don’t say about vaginas
Some celebrities have a lot to say about vaginas lately. We’re here to tell you your lady bits have an amazing in-built system of taking care of themselves! Your vagina is clean and beautiful. Vaginas know how to take care of themselves. It’s an all in vagina symphony cheer right there!
Finding it difficult to go? Constipation facts
Going to the toilet for a number two is different for everyone, but are you finding it difficult to go? What’s not normal is no pooing for more than three days or having poo that is too big or too hard to comfortably push out. It means you might be constipated. Take a look at what you can change and improve to make things more comfortable…..
I laughed my socks off and it wasn’t funny!
Why does my pee make my legs twist up like that and why is it sooo hard to hold on? Here’s a word from our resident Physio on what this actually is.
Downstairs diary, celebrate being a late bloomer
Being a late bloomer can suck, or, as suggested in this article, it can be something to celebrate and love about yourself!