What a year!!! Who’s drinking to that?…………
Many of us have experienced things that we could never have imagined this year. This is still happening for some of us, depending on where we are in the World right now experiencing different waves of the Covid 19 pandemic.
Pandemic blues
Life as we know it had dramatically changed. This has had lasting affects for some and not for others. Many of these things would be considered quite challenging, causing even with the most resilient of us reach for ways to cope that may not have served us well…..drinking excessive alcohol being one of those. Attempts to curbing the urge can be recognised amicably here in Australia with the likes of Feb Fast and Dry July. Now that the so-called ‘silly’ (festive) season is upon us along with as some significant new research , we’re led to take another refresh or retake on our health behaviour decisions wisely again.
The ‘silly’ season
It’s that time of the year we either love or dread. We think it might be the latter though, where many of us still haven’t seen family or friends for a while…..like months and months. Breaking the imposed levels of isolation that we have reluctantly had to face is top priority for many of us! So, hanging out to make memories may not be the thing we dread as much this time of year……even when our Uncle Joe might continue to talk about how constipated he is!
Many of us know that it’s always a wise move to watch the Alcohol intake! Even more recent research has led to the revised Alcohol intake Guidelines for Australians. The logical premise that less is always best, no matter who we are, stands obvious here. But a strong Alcohol binge culture still might need a jackhammer to it when it comes to an attitude of ‘ignorance is bliss’ that some of us may have at this time.
Keeping our drinking in check
Keeping ourselves in check and helping our family or friends know their limits are good decision calls. Alcohol is well known to be the root of many a family argument especially around this time of year. Controlling or suppressing resentment is so much harder with a drink or two on board because our cognitive and physical function becomes impaired. What is normally kept in check can be blurted out and easily blown out of proportion as it bubbles up….literally (pardon the pun)! No matter how hard it’s been this year staying in control and learning to bite our tongues if the odd alcohol fuelled wisdom is thrown our way will help!
Remember those Alcohol effects
It’s a reminder that alcohol is an irritant. It has a diuretic effect on the bladder causing an increase in urine flow and loss of body fluids. As well as making you go to the toilet more often, drinking too much will get you dehydrated! So, especially in these warmer months and during special celebrations remember to always consider topping up with alternatives to the beer, wine or spirits that may be flowing, like in-betweeners, to keep us well hydrated. Remember water is best, make it the priority even. Smoothies, fresh Juices, booch (Kombucha), teas, coffees are the next best moves!
Reminder: There are things we don’t have to put up with.
New Recommendations
The new Alcohol guidelines once again work on the premise that less is always best and even now this latest research states there are no safe levels if you’re pregnant.
The long term health risks can’t be denied, so our relationship with Alcohol can no longer remain ignorant if it has. Let’s continue to understand the significance by getting that fresh take on the fact the more we drink the more we increase the risk of harm.
So, especially during this very welcome festive season after such a year we’ve had, still be mindful to take care and have your wise hat on when those bevvies are flowing and maybe consider curbing that urge and even curbing that flow.
If you are struggling with things at the moment, like many are, then reach out to Beyond Blue or Lifeline who can support you right now!