Teen girls.
One thing that I know for sure is that teen girls go through a lot.
Almost everything is a challenge; school, puberty, family and friend problems, society expectations and boyfriend/girlfriend relationships.
As challenging as these things are, one thing that I believe girls struggle with most is finding themselves and what their purpose in life is.
It as very hard for teen girls to find their true selves when society is telling them that they should be this and they should be that.
The thing is not every girl is like that and they should not feel bad if they are not.
Girls, you need to realise that you do not need to feel bad if they are not.
Girls, you need to realise that you do not need to be like the ‘popular’ girls at school or famous celebrities.
Whoever you are you should feel comfortable, happy and healthy no matter what other people say.
If your interests, hobbies, appearance or personality is different or not accepted by other people who cares!
If you are happy that’s all that matters.
Embrace who you are because you are your own person.
You are you.
Love yourself, embrace all your perfections and flaws because above all – you are your own person and if you are happy and healthy nothing else matters.
It’s ok to be different.
It’s okay.
It’s more than okay.
It means you are your own person and you will find your way in life knowing that it’s great being you and no one else.
Do what you love, live life with people that you love and be someone who you love.
Natasha – Teen Comp Entry #GoAgainstTheFlow