We all need something to aim for in life. A career, a university, a study score, a magical ‘S’ at the end of a unit, a book to finish reading, a series to finish watching, someone we want to be with or someone we want to be or even just to discover who we are and how unique we are. What are our skills? What are our gifts? What are our Talents?
These things, little or big, are what sets us apart from others, what makes someone special, what makes you get out of bed in the morning.
Amazingly, trying to be something we are not, makes up who we are. May be it’s something we are not yet.
You are not a great sportswoman, but you train and work hard and become a great sportswoman.
You’re not at the Uni you want, (Obviously! You’re in High School) but you work hard at school and you get there.
However big or however small, our visions and dreams make our life worth living.
With a vision we will succeed. You can aspire to and achieve great things. For you, your family, friends, the community and even the nation you call home.
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