The thought of capping off and starting the weekend with a tasty bevy is an enjoyable choice it seems for a fair proportion of us. Drinking may also be a way of coping for some of us during these unusual times. But latest evidence would suggest this is not a good part of this ‘new normal’ . Let’s take a little journey on getting some fresh and healthy perspectives……
Green Morning Smoothie Recipe
Green smoothie options and flavours are endless. The green leafy vegetables make up an extremely important part of your diet! Great health benefits may include reducing your risk of obesity, heart disease and/or high blood pressure. It may also help prevent and clear up any bloating by keeping your bowel movements regular because of the high fibre content in all green vegetables!
Drinks on hold, sober calls and good habits
Are you a resolutions person? Or you just don’t or didn’t want to go there this year? Whatever your call was for this New Year, consensus on setting good habits are things we all desire to have no matter what our attitude or predisposition.
Summer Smoothie with Turmeric Recipe
Start your summer with this immunity boosting smoothie that is incredibly refreshing for a hot summer day. Curcumin is the name of the ingredient that gives turmeric its most health benefits. If you are prone to sickness, this smoothie will give you vitamins, very powerful anti-inflammatory effects and it is also very strong in antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances that may help protect you healthy cells against ‘free radicals’ that can cause diseases and sickness within the human body.
Drinking and the Festive Season
The so-called silly season is upon us and with the unimaginable year we’ve had festivities call for celebration, with good calls included….